Friday, November 5, 2010

Density of hot and cold water

Hm... what i remember about last class was that we had a spectacular mini quiz on the lab report!!! Oh goodie... more quizzes to bring down my mark! The lab was about Determining Aluminum Foil Thickness. I will not get into any details because the process was thoroughly described in the previous blog.

*PS, I only wrote that it would bring down my mark because i didnt study for the quiz! See!! I'm a very honest person!

The more interesting work that we did was the graphing of the Density of Water! We graphed 2 charts: One for Cold Water and One for Hot Water.

What we did was on Microsoft Excel and we had to make a graph using the calculations given. With hard work and determination, and imagination like a 6 year old, we had to make it as pretty and colorful as possible, pretty much changing everything.

After all the fun stuff, we had to explain what is different between the 2 graphs. After graphing it, we compared the density of cold water to the density of hot water. Cold water had a density of 1.34g/cm3, and hot water had a density of 1.04g/cm3. During class, we discussed why hot water is less dense than cold water, this is because the particles are more spread out. The hot water has more energy,bouncing off each other, therefore being more spread apart, and causes them to be less dense.

We didn't cover a whole lot this class, but this video should help your understanding of the density of water, and the difference it'll make if the density is different.

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